In order to open Chapter 1 - Free movement of goods, the Ministry of Economy coordinates the work on fulfilling two Opening benchmarks.

At the beginning of 2023, the European Commission, after several years of coordination, approved the Draft Strategic Documents prepared to fulfill the benchmarks for opening the Chapter.

On October 3, 2024, the Government adopted the Conclusion adopting the Strategic Plan for the Harmonization of Legislation with the Acquis of the European Union within Chapter 1 - Free Movement of Goods.

Three annexes are an integral part of this Strategic Plan:

- Plan for the Harmonization of Serbian Legislation with Articles 34-36 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU

- Plan for the Harmonized Area,

- Plan for the Harmonized Area for Emissions from Motor Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery.

The adoption of the above strategic documents achieves one of the basic prerequisites for opening Chapter 1, i.e. the continuation of the European integration process in the area of ​​free movement of goods.