
Published Guides for implementation of the Rulebook on marking of footwear ("RS Official Gazette", No. 1/14) and Rulebook on marking and labeling of textile products ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 1/14).

The Guides are prepared in order to assist users of textile products and footwear, business entities and all other interested parties to which these Rulebooks reffer to. Guides are not the interpretation of the rulebooks, but are intended to interested persons in order to facilitate implementation of Rulebooks.

They are made in a format ready for printing, and can be freely downloaded (in Serbian language).

It is planned regular updating of Guides in order to keep information updated.

We invite readers to send suggestions and comments to the e-mail address: and,

so that we can take them into account when preparing the new edition.


Guide for implementation of the Rulebook on marking of footwear

Guide for implementation of the Rulebook on marking and labeling of textile products