
Held Seminar on raising awareness of notification of technical regulations

The Ministry of Economy has organized The Seminar on raising awareness of notification of technical regulations, in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Twinning project “Strengthening Capacities of National Quality Infrastructure and Conformity Assessment Services in the Republic of Serbia” ,on 23rd March 2017, In Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

The aim of the Seminar is the raising awareness and the capacities of the relevant institution for full implementation of the Regulation 764/2008/EC and implementation of principles of Directive 1535/2015/EC, i.e. the Serbian Regulation on the Manner of Providing information and Notification of Technical Regulations, Conformity Assessment and Standards.

In his opening remarks Mr. Jovan Petrovic, Assistant Minister, stressed the importance of notification of the draft technical regulations. He announced the continuation of the campaign on the notification that will not be focused only on legislators, but also to economic operators that can effect on technical regulations by their suggestions and comments.

Mr. Viktor Vodička, from Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing, presented Importance of notification of technical regulations in non-harmonized area, Directive 1535/2015 -   Czech experience in notification of technical regulation (inclusion of relevant stakeholders, consequences in the case of non-notification- examples) and PCP in the Czech Republic - Regulation 764/2008.

Mrs. Tanja Petrović, Head of the Group in the Ministry of Economy presented Serbian Regulation on notification of technical regulation and its implementation, providing information (Serbian Enquiry point, plan for establishing of PCP).

Mr. Miodrag Dugandžija, Head of Division in the Ministry of Economy presented the Non-harmonized area, Mutual Recognition Clause, Action Plan for Benchmark 1.