18. 02. 2013. Events
Published the Rulebook on conditions for obtaining the mark of producers for products of precious metals, as well as the mark of the importer or authorized representative
The Rulebook on conditions for obtaining the mark of producers for products of precious metals, as well as the mark of the importer or authorized representative has been published ...
22. 01. 2013. Events
Seminar on the TBT Enquiry Point and notifications of technical regulation was held in the Ministry of finance and economy
In the Ministry of Finance and Economy on 22 of January the seminar on the TBT Enquiry Point and notifications of technical regulations was held for Serbian ministries/agencies ...
16. 01. 2013. Events
Rulebook on equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres published
Rulebook on equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres is published on 4th January 2013. in the "Official Gazette of the Republic ...
16. 01. 2013. Events
Published Rulebook on the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
Rulebook on the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors is published on 4th January 2013, in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", no ...
27. 12. 2012. Events
Guide for the Implementation of the Rulebook on Personal Protective Equipment
Published new Guide for the Implementation of the Rulebook on Personal Protective Equipment ...
16. 11. 2012. Events
The visit of the Coordination Body for quality infrastructure of Government of Republic of Srpska to Sector for Quality Infrastructure.
The visit of the Coordination Body for quality infrastructure of Government of Republic of Srpska to Sector for Quality Infrastructure ...
13. 11. 2012. Events
Accreditation Body of Serbia signatory of ILAC MRA Agreemnent and IAF MLA Agreement
Accreditation Body of Serbia has signed the ILAC MRA Agreement in the field od calibration, testing and inspection, as well as the IAF MLA Agreement in the field of certification ...
08. 11. 2012. Events
The awards „Oscar for Quality“ for 2012 have handed over
Manifestation dedicated to the World day of quality and European week of quality - FORUM OF QUALITY AND BUSINESS EXCELLENCE 2012 ...
25. 10. 2012. Events
The Roundtable on the implementation of the Rulebook on lifts safety has been held
The Roundtable on the implementation of the Rulebook on lifts safety has been held ...
19. 09. 2012. Events
The Guide for implementation of Rulebook on lifts safety
The Guide for implementation of Rulebook on lifts safety has been published ...