
29. 11. 2023. Announcements

Held Session of the Quality Council

The second session of the Quality Council, chaired by the Acting Assistant Minister of Economy, Nikola Vitas, took place on October 3, 2023, at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade ...

29. 11. 2023. Announcements

Workshop on the Signing of the ACAA Agreement

A workshop on the signing of the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) and EU accession regarding conformity assessment issues was ...

29. 11. 2023. Announcements

Workshop held in collaboration with the PLAC III Project

Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC III) Workshop ...

14. 10. 2022. Announcements

Announcement of a media campaign in the field of children's playground safety

"For safe children on all playgrounds - let's maintain playgrounds, keep children safe" ...

29. 06. 2022. Announcements

Quality infrastructure for sustainable development – new publication ranked countries

SERBIA IS ON THE 1ST PLACE WITHIN THE GROUP OF MIDDLE RICH COUNTRIES. UNIDO ranked countries according to the contribution of quality infrastructure to achieving sustainable ...

12. 07. 2017. Announcements

Guide for the application of regulations in the field of lifts

The Sector for Quality and Product Safety of the Ministry of Economy, has prepared a new Guide for the application of regulations in the field of lifts ...

11. 04. 2017. Announcements

Safety is priceless

Which conformity mark is being placed on the products in the Republic of Serbia? Conformity of product with the important requirements of Serbian technical regulations is ...

06. 09. 2016. Announcements

ATS moves to new premises

Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) has moved to a new premises: Vlajkovićeva 3, fifth floor, 11103 Beograd, Serbia ...

17. 06. 2016. Announcements

Roundtable on fulfilling obligations from Benchmark 1 in order to open negotiations on the Chapter 1 - Free movement of goods

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce together with the Ministry of Economy organized a round table "The fulfillment of obligations under Benchmark 1 in order to open negotiations ...

17. 06. 2016. Announcements

Fifth Balkan conference on standardization

Fifth Balkan conference on standardization on "Sustainability of national standards bodies was held In Belgrade, on 14th June 2016 ...