
22. 09. 2017. Events

Held Workshop "Institutional establishment of inter-ministerial cooperation in non-harmonized area"

The Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Twinning Project "Strengthening the capacities of the national system for quality infrastructure ...

22. 09. 2017. Events

Public debate on the Draft Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment held

In cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Economy organized a Public debate on the Draft Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity ...

07. 09. 2017. Legislative News

Public debate on the Draft Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment

The Ministry of Economy, in the process of drafting the law regulating technical requirements for product safety and conformity assessment, conducts a public debate on the ...

28. 08. 2017. Legislative News

New Published Regulation on the method of performing metrological supervision

Regulation on the Method of Performing Metrological Supervision was published In the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 79/17 of 25 th August 2017 ...

22. 08. 2017. Legislative News

NEW Rulebook on the Content, Form and the Manner of keeping records kept by Authorized bodies

New Rulebook on the Content, Form and the Manner of keeping register kept by the Authorized bodies was published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 77/17 ...

01. 08. 2017. Legislative News

NEW List of Serbian standards in the field of ATEX equipment

New List of Serbian Standards in the field of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres was published In the "Official Gazette ...

24. 07. 2017. Legislative News

Published Rulebook about the type, form and method of placing the seal used for verifying the measuring instruments

Rulebook on the type, form and method of placing the seal used for verifying the measuring instruments was published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No ...

12. 07. 2017. Announcements

Guide for the application of regulations in the field of lifts

The Sector for Quality and Product Safety of the Ministry of Economy, has prepared a new Guide for the application of regulations in the field of lifts ...

15. 05. 2017. Events

World Metrology Day

May 20th, World Metrology Day, is the day that marks the anniversary of the signing of the Meter Convention of 1875. This agreement provides the basis for a coherent system ...

10. 05. 2017. Events

Secure market, the safety of citizens and the fight against the gray economy

"The Ministry of Economy has supported the campaign of the National Consumer Organization of Serbia, because goals are the same - secure market, the safety of citizens and ...